Subject: Re: '93 UFO Congress Convention December 4th Proceedings
Date: 7 Dec 93 23:01:27 GMT
Organization: Rockwell Internationa (Where science is *&^%$#)(!@#)
Here is some BRIEF information that I gathered Saturday,
December 4th, at the 1993 International UFO Congress Convention in
Las Vegas. I wish I could have attended all week, but do to work
schedules I was only able to attend one day. After talking to many
individuals, it seems Saturday was the best day to be there. I will
present this information as non-bias as I can and will not elaborate
on material simply to accomplish adequate writing skills. (besides I
have none)This information will be in an sort-a documented format.
Please enjoy, take it with a grain of salt, (maybe a big grain),
and I sincerely apologize for any mis- -information due to my lack
of note taking skills. All information was coming
pretty fast at me. (here we go..)
(I originally typed this on my Apple and transfered the text to UNIX,
I hope this isn't a problem)
9:00 am Bill Hamilton:
Bill Hamilton has been involved with the UFO phenomenon
since the early '50s. He was good friends with what he called were
the early contactees. He mentioned names like George Vantassle, and
George Hun Williamson (spelling?). Bill claims to have seen different craft and have had craft visit him in his earlier days as a youth. He started serious abduction research in '76 with the Brian Scott
abductee story. He mentioned briefly about some abductees stories,
but started focusing on tie-ins between the military and UFO
technology. He presented information stating that the Airforce was
involved with scientific research in UFO technology in '47, and since
then many scientist around the globe had dabbled with their own
version of a flying saucer. He showed a document which stated a
Townsand Brown (spelling?) developed and anti-gravity device in
'57, and showed pictures of other scientists with (working) models of
hover crafts. Crude as they were they did hover on a blanket on anti-magnetic
energy. Bill claims to have dabbled in that field himself and had
created a working model craft in the late '70's. He claims UFOs generate low frequency gravity waves but he has his own theory of space flight. His theory
is based on the Lorentz (spelling?) theory but the explanation is different.
His theory is based on, Space is generated by a fluid ether, a super fluid as
he called it. (he touched briefly about his techniques, and I suggest anyone interested in it, contact him throughthe UFO Congress) He then said he personally has designed another working model and if all goes well, will show it working at his next appearance first of '94.
Bill said his first interest about Groom lake was in '67 when he
read one of the first stories of saucer sightings at Area 51. The story
claimed the '47 Corona crash vehicle was located there. Since then his research has focused around that information. He mentioned at an earlier visit this year at Groom Lake, highway 375, mile marker 26 he saw a strange phenomenon.
Him and his (wife?) went to Groom lake on a hunch from some
information he gathered. At this mile marker
26, he saw strange lights off on the distance and stopped his vehicle.
They watched what they thought were headlights of a military
vehicle off in the distance come toward them (thinking they were
going to get hassled) the lights started to hover and shoot towards
him. He grabbed for his camera and at that time his companion
claimed the lights started rotating then flashing multi-colored. By the
time he had his camera, the lights had move down the road they
were on and in front of them. He took a picture of what he called,
two of the brightest lights he ever-seen coming down the road at
him. By the time the camera had reset for another picture, the
vehicle low to the ground passed them like a comet. He showed the
picture, and it looked like two very bright headlights. He and his
companion, then experienced that there was a lapse of 24 minutes
because his companion was keeping a very strict log. The loss of time
was confirmed by the thier digital watches and the clock in his
vehicle. Under hypnosis he talks about being taken on board that
craft and put on a slanted observation table. He also claimed the
experience left him having a very pleasant experience. (I don't recall
what happened to his companion.)
(FYI) Bill also mentioned out here in California, in the Techacapi
mountains, Northrop has an underground skunk-works facility and is
experimenting with hover craft. He showed a video of an oval shaped light hovering off the ground for less than an hour. While taping this, another light
dropped from a high altitude on its left and shot down to the ground.
(sort-a like a tumbling effect) (The video was clear and not
distorted.) He also mentioned that Lockheed, and Douglas, have great
interest in that area. He also showed magnified pictures of test
devices that came out of the ground through hatches they were
experimenting with.
11:06 Dr. Greer; Emergency trauma MD and founder of CSETI.
Dr. Steven Greer is currently working with openly diplomatic
means of contacting ETs. He claims the trend for global contact is
increasing daily. He is part of the RMIT team which is sent around
the world trying to establish a structural contact technique. He says
that ETs have been very interested in our civilization since the
experimentation with atomic energy and due to current
global situations, now is the time to release information and bring it
out in the open.
Dr. Greer talked about a five day trip in Mexico that
accomplished a close encounter of the 5th kind, human initiated
contact. He and his team had drove then hiked about 12 miles to a
secluded location where sightings were frequent. Using combined
mental energy, were able to bring down a large triangular craft
about the size of three football fields. Using lights, they were trying
to communicate landing procedures. They initiated multiple contacts
with the crafts while they were there, but none actually landed. No
pictures were taken, due to a strong energy interference that shut
down all equipment, but his group also believes that at this time in
the communication process with ETs, that photo opportunities should
not be arranged. Their first rule of their organization is to be
accepted by the ETs as concerned individuals for universal affairs
and not as individuals wanting materialistic pleasure for something
of this great importance. Actual evidence will be plentiful once the
ET's have accepted us. (for detailed information about the 5 day trip,
contact the CSETI organization.) Dr. Greer also talked about multiple
sightings in the Gulf Breeze region which involved these same type
triangular space craft.
Dr. Greer then lectured on what needs to be done and what is
being done to initiate the US to disclose information publicly on UFO
evidence. He states that
within 10/12 months the Govt. will release actual evidence of the
UFO phenomenon and is very positive that this will happen. He is
involved with compiling the needed information to convince the
government, "now is the time to come clean". He asked all of us there
not to pressure the military about this as they react to pressure by
implying fear tactics, and this could back-fire. He said that we need
to help those responsible for with-holding information from us to
accept that this subject will not go-away and that we are very willing
to help them disclose what they know in various structured formats. He
also mentioned that the Japanese government is currently compiling
what they have on this subject and is getting ready to release that
information publicly. This might be a good time to send a message to
our new administration that we should be second to none when
releasing such important information like this to the world.
note: Dr. Greer says there could be a correlation between seismic
activities and sightings.
1:45 George Wingfield (Great Britain) Expert in the field of Crop Circle
George spent most of his time showing crop circle formation
slides. He talked about which formations were fake and which ones
he considered valid.
I didn't write down the names and dates of the valid formations as
opposed to
the fake ones but did get information on how to acquire this. (I'll
enclose the information at the end of this segment) He told basically
how he validated the
crop formations.
The fake formations:
1. Foot prints were found.
2. Living organisms destroyed.
3. The crop was broken and mutilated.
4. The formation of the crop was not uniformed.
5. The texture of the formation of the crop was not uniformed.
The valid formations:
1. No footprints
2. Seed anomalies.
3. Expansion of plant cell wall pits.
4. Carbon blackening.
5. Anomalies in swelling of the plant nodes.
6. The crop was not damaged would recover.
7. Only two cases of mammal or insect death.
a. An insect was found dead at one formation.
b. Porcupines have been found dead at formations in Canada.
(Porcupines have a tendency to roll up in a ball when
frightened, where most creatures, run-a-way.)
note: Some crop formations resembled each other in a SPECULATED
design of , earth, wind, fire, water, and in the center consciousness.
(like the five formation on a domino, with the circle in the center
being the largest to signify consciousness.)
George did speak of a particular formation that appeared at a
test site. A site was selected due to multiple UFO sightings in that area.
Test equipment was set-up, cameras, and detection devices. Intruder alert
devices were set-up around the perimeter to catch possible hoaxters.
During the period of nights they were there nothing extraordinary
happened. Towards the end of their experiment, late in the evening
(or very early in the morning) a thick mist covered the field they
were watching. Thinking it was pointless to stay there not
being able to catch anything on film, they were going to leave but
decided to stay in-case the fog lifted. At day break when the fog
started to lift they noticeda formation had occurred during the night. All
of their instruments were running and nothing had triggered the intruder
alarms. Upon close examination of the formation, it was declared valid.
George seems to think that these formations could be accomplished from high
altitudes. Witnesses have claimed they have seem formations being created in front of them while seeing nothing structural around it. Some witnesses have
seen large balls and some cases small ball of light around the crop before the formation was created. Psychics and many individuals claim to be able to sense energy within the circles while others claim they contracted illnesses from
being too close. One note though, usually where there was multiple
sightings of UFO's, crop formations occurred. I had an opportunity to
ask him a couple of questions, so I will share them with you-all.
1. Is there a resemblance between Hopi Indian symbols and certain
crop formations?
(answer) Yes, we are working with experts in the field of Hopi Indian
culture to determine if they are related.
2. Have you considered that maybe these valid formations are
directed for someone else?
(answer) Definite possibility that these formations could be for other
than life as we know it.
(for information on Crop Circle Studies, contact)
The Cerealogist, 20 Paul Street, Frome, Somerset,
England BA11 1DX. telephone: 0373-451777
3:35 Michael Lindeman: UFO researcher and futurist of the 20/20
Michael started his lecture claiming he had never had contact,
never seen a UFO, and never believed in UFOs, till about 6 years ago.
He then said he envied anyone who had. He initially started research
on a UFO story expecting to be done with it within a week, and found
there was more than just that particular story he was researching.
Determined, he change his life around and started to concentrate on
researching UFO phenomenons. Michael went into his lecture stating:
1. UFO abductees, sighters, are not crazy! Determined by a study out
of Canada.(went into the Canandian study)
He said you can relax now, we know your not crazy.
2. Real UFOs exist! He talked about project Blue Book and the fact the
Airforce had 701 cases they could not explain and could not get rid of.
3. Aliens are real! If they weren't then why would congress allocate
over 100 million into the SETI project. (by the way the SETI project
has enough privately funded dollars to keep operational till the
middle of next year.) He talked about what the Government has done to
satisfy the public while holding the truth.
4. If UFOs are real then how could the government keep the secret so
well? Well..
SECRETS CAN BE HELD! He mentioned the JFK case, and the fact that
real secrecy plays by NO RULES. He talked about atomic bomb
research in the early '40s. Roosevelt knew about it but when Truman
came into office he had to be briefed, the Vice President was un-
aware of the atomic research that was going on. He talked about how
the development of the A-Bomb initiated and structured the patterns
for secrecy and black budgets in America. It was easy to hide the
Roswell incident following the procedures previously learned. He
mentioned that the A12 was designed in '62 for the CIA by
Lockheed, and was totally secret from top officials in the Airforce,
until they received their version the SR71 in '64. Of-course Congress
didn't know about the SR71 till '68. He mention other secrets that
were successfully held that we know about now, and claim that it's
not that hard for a government to keep a secret.
5. The alien presence is known to elite and secretive groups within
the US. government, as well as other major governments. For a
variety of reason, those who know of it decided decades ago that
public revelation of the alien presence posed an unacceptable risk to
social order. Thus the truth has been hidden. He said it's hard to do
scientific research with scientists who understand and know, but lie.
Michael, like Dr. Greer believes that the time is here to release
this information to the public. He believes the military and
government leaders are more scared about ET technology than the
public could be. This is the first time
in the history of this earth that a government and/or military does
not have complete or any control of a situation. They never did. They
thought they could, but previous (accidents?) proved otherwise.
Beings of other nature hold all the cards. And on top of that when all
the information is released, then comes the rivers of lies, and deceit.
Michael also mentioned that religion is in big trouble, and certain
religious leaders will be left speechless. General beliefs may not be
altered, but the very structure itself will have to be re-thought.
Summary: The day went very fast, a plethora of information was
blasted at me, and again I apologize if some information is
inconsistent with information readers may have. I tried to write as
close to my notes and as non-biased as possible. While talking with
individuals, I learned that an Area 51 visit was made the previous
Tuesday. The two men I was talking with claimed they did see
something off in the distance that resembled a hovering light with no
characteristics resembling helicopters. They were still excited.
Anyway all my comments for clarification were in parentheses.
Please no flames, comments are welcome. I suggest flamers call or
write the International UFO Congress World Headquarters to
subscribe to the tapes of the proceedings to answer thier flames.